Tuesday 17 July 2012

how i make money online

Rules of business

there are 3 types of people

1. people who want products (buyers)
2. people who offer products (sellers / producers)
3. people who 'market'

Marketing is about creating an environment for buyers and sellers to connect.
If you have access to the internet you can create an internet marketing system.

Follow the link at


Once you have signed up, create a clickbank account
and I will show you the rest

email your clicbank ID to

and I will help you get started.

Mark Hopgood
07767875550 (UK)

Sunday 3 June 2012

How does attraction marketing work ( the secret )

Every day I get asked how my business works, so I thought I would post this blog entry explaining all. Attraction marketing is bout getting exactly what you want, but not having to go seek it.

So my aim is to get high quality, highly ambitious people who want to become financially free approaching me to partner with me. They are often keen to do whatever it takes to get free from their current job or situation.

They usually have one of many goals which include:
  • financial freedom
  • leaving a legacy
  • restarting work
  • starting a business
  • retirement
  • better health
They often ask me questions like. "do you have a real opportunity for me?"
They often tell me about their situations, for example

"mark I am really hungry for change - I used to be content with what I had but now I want to be really rich"

"I'm ambitious and before I had my child I fought tooth and nail to get jobs"

"I want to get free from my current job and start a business"

"I'm fed up with the commute to work and beurocracy when I get there. How can Iget free?"

Of course everyone is different but I always start with a 3 step system of questions and goal setting to make sure they get exactly what they want.

Not everyone is suitable, but for those willing, the future looks amazing.

07767 875 550

Thursday 17 May 2012

You must be able to attract talented people to your business. Here's how..

There is one necessary trait that you need in order to grow your business. You need to be able to attract people into your business. You can do this by staying ahead of the game - in other words posessing the skills that 99% of people do not have. In addition you need to be able to share them and have someone that can teach the skills day 1.