Monday 9 August 2010

What's the best way to improve you?

You now know where you are on the wealth chart, but what areas do you need to focus on?
The following grid will help you decide. Identify yourself on the grid?

No Time, No Money
All is not lost (you aren't stuffed). The priority is your priorities. We all have 24 hours a day and prioritising the tasks that you need to focus on is crucual (more on this later). With the correct time manangement techniques you can make time. Once you are out of this quadrant you are ready to start earning an extra income. Contact me for pointers on where to go next.

Lots of time, No Money
Here, the most amazing things can happen. If you are willing to spend time on learning new skills then you can do what Jim Rohn calls "sell, then buy". You have a serious advantage over people with money and no time. You can build skills and put together deals for those who need more time. Contact me for more details.

Lots of Money, No Time
You have some regular income, maybe savings and are looking to make them work. In order to do this, you can partner up with someone who has time and skills to help you. If getting a return on your investment of 24% or higher is of interest, then lets's talk about options for you.

Lots of Money, Lots of Time
Some people might ask, "what are you diong here?" Well money isn't everything. Becoming one of our coaches and meeting and helping new people might be for you. It's very rewarding and it can improve your wealth, too!

Monday 2 August 2010

Measuring Wealth - the foundation of how to improve it

Robert Kiyosaki (wealth guru to Donald Trump) , in his latest book, "The business of the 21st Century" introduces the concept of measuring wealth in terms of time.

This means, if you gave up work or were sacked or laid off (or retired), how long would your money last. In my years as an entrepreneur I've built up a buffer or have a wealth of a year and a half. If I wanted to, I'd be able to take a holiday for a year.

So. firstly let's fo an exercise - look at your monthly outgoings - there's a planner here if you are not sure how to calculate this. Planner.xls

Secondly look at your savings - how much is in the pot. Use this to work out your wealth.

Even if you have zero or negative wealth today, this is not a barrier to improving or building your wealth. As I mentioned in my video, it's possible to create an infinite wealth. I work at a one to one or relational level, so contact me if you are interested in finding out more. I never charge for my services.

Watch this space for my new domain name

Mark Hopgood
01732 80 80 67 (uk)
07767 875 550

I'm based in Sevenoaks, UK and have partners around the world ready to help you.

Sunday 1 August 2010

Welcome to Mark Hopgood's Wealth Improvement Blog

You don't have to be rich to improve your wealth, you just need to know 3 things.
1. Where you are now (your current wealth)
2. Where you want to get to (what you would like your wealth to be)
3. When you want to get there



Follow this blog for more information and to receive updates and tips.

Welcome to your future success!
Mark Hopgood
01732 463 902
07767 875 550
904 638 9046